Our Family Genealogy Pages

  Joe, Rose, Rosalie, John & Benjamin

Welcome to the Family History website for Rose,  Joe and Rosalie Ragucci. This compilation of our family history began around Christmas of 2002 when I realized that our parents family was reaching the age where stories and information would be lost forever. So I began to interview them, collect photos and stories, as well as research their ancestors primarily using the Ellis Island Ancestor website. We hope you enjoy perusing this as much as I enjoyed collecting it. But this will always be a work in progress as I continue to collect information and research our family histories.   

Use the links on the sidebar to find a variety of information about these families and their history.


New Stories and Photos: Use the Story Blog and Photo Gallery links on the left for the newest addition to this site.

Who is the woman on the title bar?: Find out more on who is this woman on the title bar.

How did Ricucci become Ragucci?: Yes, our family name is really Ricucci and not Ragucci. Learn how that happened.

Monte S'Angelo - Ragucci Family Roots: Learn about Mont S'Angelo, the Italian home town of the Ragucci / Ricucci family.


If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us using the Contact Us link. We are especially interested in any additions or corrections you can provide us.

The following chart shows the various subfamilies that make up our Family: