Lombardo Family - Detailed Manifest Info


Arrival Date




Giuseppe Lombardo

Oct. 18,  1913

  • Age: 38
  • Nearest Relative: Maria Lombardo in Tunis, Tunisia
  • From: Marsala
  • Going to: cousin Francesco Abate (sp?) at 513 Wieho St. Brooklyn, NY

Traveling from Tunis to Marsala  and Le Havre (France) to New York (Brooklyn)  and then onto Beloit, WI

Maria Rizzo

April 23, 1918

  • Age: 39
  • Nearest Relative:  76 Rue de Serbie, Tunis, Tunisia
  • From: Tunis, Tunisia
  • Going to: Husband, Giuseppe Lombardo at 208 Millet Street, Beloit, Wisc.

Traveling with sons and daughters

Rosalia Lombardo

April 23, 1918

See above

  • Age: 6
  • See above

Traveling with Mother, brothers and sisters.

Vita (Lena) Lombardo

April 23, 1918

See above

  • Age: 11
  • See above

Traveling with Mother, brothers and sisters.

Giuseppe Lombardo

April 23, 1918

See above

  • Age: 8
  • See above

Traveling with Mother, brothers and sisters.

Giacomo Prato

April 23, 1918

See above

  • Age: 21
  • See above
  • Adopted
  • Traveling with Mother, brothers and sisters.