Nardi Ellis Island Summary


The Nardi family emigrated to the United States in the early part of this century and entered the US via the Ellis Island Immigration Center in New York harbor like many other Italian immigrants of that era.  That is very fortunate because a record of that arrival in the US is available on the Ellis Island website.  

The following is a summary of the findings from the Ellis Island Immigration Center records on the Nardi family's emigration to the United States.  This information was obtained by reviewing the ship manifest records for the Nardi family.  The following table summarizes these records sorted by date of arrival.  For ease of understanding, the relationships are described in terms of "Generation" from the Nardi kinship chart and in terms of relation to  Rose Nardi Ragucci.

Note that more detailed information from these manifest document images can be found in the Nardi  Manifest Detail document.

All people are coming from Marcianise, Italy  (Outside of Naples)

Generation Person Age Relationship to Rose Nardi Date of Arrival Other details:
-3 Amedeo Nardi  27 Father Feb 11, 1906 Ship: Celtic sailing from Naples
-3 Giovanna Cecere Nardi 37 Mother Mar 27, 1912 Ship: Adriatic sailing from Naples
-2 Giuseppe Nardi 9 Brother
-2 Pasquale Nardi 7 Brother

Other Nardi children were born in the USA.