Nardi Kinship Chart

This kinship chart traces the ancestors of Joseph & Rose Ragucci and Rosalie Ragucci-Cook from the Nardi families.   Although the focus will be on “blood” relatives and not in-laws or adopted members of the families, these individuals will be identified wherever possible. 

Note: We know that this chart is incomplete.  If you can help fill this out please Contact Us using the link on the Home Page.




Great-Great Grandfather


Great Grandfather
Matteo Nardi


Rose Nardi Ragucci

Grand aunt
Anna Nardi Kusklyk

Grand aunt
Ester Nardi Turco

Grand uncle
Pasquale (Pat) Nardi

Grand uncle
Giuseppe (Joe) Nardi


Joseph D. Ragucci

2nd cousins 1x removed

1st cousin
1x removed

See Below

1st cousin 1x removed

Richard Nardi

1st cousin 1x removed
See Below


Rosalie Ragucci-Cook

Brother/ Sisters

2nd cousins


2nd cousins

See Below

2nd cousins
Richard Nardi Jr.

2nd cousins

See Below



Benjamin John Cook


Niece/ Nephew


1st cousins
1x removed


1st cousins
1x removed

See Below

1st cousins 1x removed

1st cousins 1x removed

See Below



Grand aunt
Ester Nardi Turco


1st cousin 1x removed

Robert Turco

1st cousin 1x removed

Jean Turco Walko

1st cousin 1x removed

 Richard Turco


2nd cousins

David Turco

2nd cousins


2nd cousins

Linda Walko ??

2nd cousins

Jean Ann Walko ??

2nd cousins

John Walko

2nd cousins

Richard Turco Jr.


2nd cousins

1x removed
Child of David Turco

2nd cousins

1x removed
Child of ???

2nd cousins

1x removed

Tara ???

2nd cousins

1x removed

Children ???

2nd cousins

1x removed

Children ??

2nd cousins

1x removed

Children ??



Grand uncle
Guiseppe (Joe) Nardi


1st cousin 1x removed

Joseph Nardi Jr

1st cousin 1x removed

Sam Nardi

1st cousin 1x removed
Jennie Nardi Kish

1st cousin 1x removed
Margaret Nardi Perry


2nd cousins
Children ??

2nd cousins
Son ??

2nd cousins
Son ??

2nd cousins
Daughter ??

2nd cousins

Daughter ??

2nd cousins

Others ???

2nd cousins
Children ???

2nd cousins
Children ???


2nd cousins

1x removed


2nd cousins

1x removed


2nd cousins
1x removed

2nd cousins
1x removed

2nd cousins

 1x removed

2nd cousins

 1x removed

2nd cousins
1x removed


2nd cousins
1x removed
