Ricucci/Ragucci Ellis Island Summary

The following is a summary of the findings from the Ellis Island Immigration Center records on the Ricucci family's emigration to the United States.  This information was obtained by reviewing the ship manifest records for the Ricucci family. 

Note that the correct spelling of the name – Ricucci – is used in Italy and by these immigration ancestors.

The following table summarizes these records sorted by date of arrival.  For ease of understanding, the relationships are described in terms of "Generation" from the Ceppo kinship chart and in terms of relation to Dominic Ragucci married to Rose Nardi Ragucci.

All people are coming from Monte Sant’Angelo, Italy

Generation Person Age Relationship to Dominic Date of Arrival Other details
-3 Michelle Ricucci
<Questionable due to age>
22 Uncle

Dec 8, 1903

Ship: Victoria sailing from Naples
-3 Michelle Ricucci 22 Uncle Oct 27, 1905 Ship: Nord America sailing from Naples Going to Port Reading
-3 Matteo Ricucci 26 Uncle April 18, 1909 Ship: Molke sailng from Naples
-3 Michelle Ricucci 29 Uncle
-3 Michelle Ricucci 31 Uncle June 10, 1910 Ship: Neckar sailing from Naples
Going to: visit brother Matteo in Newburg, NY (Little Ronk)
-3 Matteo Ricucci 29 Uncle

March 27, 1911

Ship: Duca Degli Abruzzi sailing from Naples
Going to: Mike Sacueulla (sp?) in Elizabeth, NJ.
-3 Antonio Ricucci  21 Uncle (from Elizabeth)
-3 Giuseppe Ricucci 28 Father May 30, 1913 Ship: Konig Albert sailing from Naples
Going to Brother Matteo in Yonkers
-3 Grazia Tomaiuolo Ricucci 28 Mother Dec 10, 1916 Ship: Canopic sailing from Naples
Came in through Boston harbor

From the ship manifests it appears that Michelle and Matteo made more than one trip from Italy to the US.  However, neither of them remained in the US but returned to Monte San't Angelo.  Antonio and Guiseppe did remain in the US.