Ragucci/Ricucci Family - Detailed Manifest Info


Arrival Date




Michelle Ricucci

<Questionable due to age and where going)

Dec 8, 1903

  • Age: 22 – (Born 1881)
  • Nearest Relative:  n/a
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • Going to: Cousin Sabastiano Marrano in Philadelphia
  • Age matches  and matches comment on 6/10/10 that previously in US in 1904 but still questionable.
  • Going to Philadelphia questionable

Michelle Ricucci



Oct 27, 1905

  • Age: 22 – (Born 1879)
  • Nearest Relative: 
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • Going to: Cousin Matteo Frattarulo in Port Reading, NJ
  • Age and comment on 6/10/10 that previously in US in 1904 close but still questionable.
  • Going to Port Reading very likely.

Matteo Ricucci

April 18, 1909

  • Age: 26 – (born 1883)
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • No original manifest
  • Age matches other visits
  • Travel with Michelle Ricucci and Giovanni Diurno
  • Matches comment on 3/27/11 that previously in US in 1910

Michelle Ricucci

April 18, 1909

  • Age: 29 – (born 1880)
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • No original manifest
  • Age matches other visits
  • Travel with Michelle Ricucci and Giovanni Diurno (Sister marries a Diurno ! )

Michelle Ricucci

June 10, 1910

  • Age: 31 – (born 1879)
  • Nearest Relative: Wife Angelamarie in Monte Sant’Angelo
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • Going to: visit brother Matteo in Newburg, NY (Little Ronk)
  • Had been in US previously –
    Feb 1904

Matteo Ricucci

March 27, 1911 

  • Age: 29
  • Nearest Relative: Wife Roja Palmis in Italy
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • Going to: Mike Sacueulla (sp?) in Elizabeth, NJ.
  •  Arrive with brother Antonio Ricucci
  • Had been in US previously - 1910
  • Mike Sacueulla is Antonio’s future brother-in-law.

Antonio Ricucci 

March 27, 1911 

  • Same as above.
  • Age: 21
  • Nearest Relative: Mother Angela in Italy
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • Going to: Mike Sacueulla (sp?) in Elizabeth, NJ.
  •  Arrive with brother Matteo Ricucci
  • First time in USA
  • Mike Sacueulla is Antonio’s future brother-in-law.

Giuseppe Ricucci

May 30, 1913

  • Age: 28
  • Nearest Relative: Wife Grazia Tomaiuolo in Monte Sant’Angelo
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • Going to: Brother Matteo at 271 New Market St. Yonkers, NY.
  • First time in USA
  • Going to Brother Matteo in Yonkers
Grazia Tomaiuolo Ricucci Dec 10, 1916
  • Age: 28
  • Nearest Relative: Father Giuseppea Tomaiuolo in Monte Sant’Angelo
  • From: Monte Sant’Angelo
  • Going to: Husband Giuseppe Ricucci at 1834 Main St. Bridgeport, Conn.
  • Ship was diverted from NY to Boston harbor due to WWI security issues. 
  • Husband Giuseppe was waiting in NY and she had to wait for him to arrive in Boston.