Ceppo Family


1      Document Overview.. 2

2      Ceppo Family History. 3

2.1       Ceppo Family Tree. 3

2.2       Generation –5th: Family in Italy. 5

2.2.1       Generation –5th:  Family in Marsala, Italy. 5

2.2.2       Generation –5th: Memories. 5

2.3       Generation –4th: Family in Italy -> FIX From this point on…... 5

2.3.1       Generation –4th:  Family in Marsala, Italy. 5

2.3.2       Generation –4th: Memories. 5

2.4       Generation –3rd: Family Travels to America -> FIX From this point on…... 5

2.4.1       Generation –3rd: Family Travels to America. 5

2.4.2       Generation –3rd: Memories. 5

2.5       Generation –2nd: First generation Italian-Americans. 5

2.5.1       Generation –2nd: First generation Italian-Americans. 5

2.5.2       Generation –2nd: Memories. 5

2.6       Generation –1st: American’s with Italian roots. 5

2.6.1       Generation –1st: Americans with Italian roots. 5

2.6.2       Generation –1st: Memories. 5

2.7       Generation 0th: American’s with Italian roots. 5

2.7.1       Generation 0th: Americans with Italian roots. 5

2.7.2       Generation 0th: Memories. 5

2.8       Generation +1st: American’s with Italian roots. 5

3      Family Members. 5

3.1.1       Generation –5th: Family members. 5

3.1.2       Generation –4th: Family members. 5

3.1.3       Generation –3rd: Family Members. 5

3.1.4       Generation –2nd: Family members. 5

3.1.5       Generation –1st: Family members. 5

3.1.6       Generation 0th: Family members. 5

3.1.7       Generation +1st: Family members. 5

APPENDIX A: Kinship Charts. 5

APPENDIX B: Ceppo Family Tree. 5

APPENDIX C: Index to Individuals. 5


1      Document Overview

This document is a portion of the genealogy of the Ragucci Family.  Its focus is on tracing the ancestors of Joseph & Rose Ragucci and Rosalie Ragucci-Cook from the Ceppo families.   Although the focus will be on “blood” relatives and not in-laws or adopted members of the families, these individuals will be identified wherever possible.


The following may help to understand what is contained in the rest of this document: 

A “kinship” overview chart of the Lombardo family from the perspective of Rosalie Ragucci-Cook can be seen as Appendix A.   The chart has the following form:





4th great grandparents (64)


3rd great grandparents (32)

3rd great grand uncles/aunts


great-great grandparents (16)

2nd great grand uncles/aunts

1st cousins 4x removed


great grandparents (8)

great grand uncles/aunts

1st cousins 3x removed

2nd cousins 3x removed


your grandparents (4)

grand uncles/aunts

1st cousins 2x removed

2nd cousins 2x removed

3rd cousins 2x removed


your parents (2)


1st cousin 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed



your brothers/ sisters

1st cousins

2nd cousins

3rd cousins

4th cousins

5th cousins


your children

nephew/ nieces

1st cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed

5th cousins 1x removed

Table 1: Kinship Chart


The chart shows relationship from the box labeled “YOU” to everyone else.  Each row is a separate generation and you move outward from this box to more distant relatives.  Each box is labeled with the relationship of persons in that box to the person in the “YOU” box. 


The document is organized as follows:

Ř  The document starts with overview of the Lombardo family’s history

Ř  This is followed by an identification of the various family units within the Rizzo/Ceppo family starting from the top right (the most distant relatives) to the bottom left (the closest relatives).  Each family unit consists of a parent and their children. 

Ř  This is followed by information on each person within the family unit, once again starting from the top right to the bottom left.  Thus each person is described both as a child in one family unit and then as a parent in the next generation.

Ř  The document ends with the overall family kinship chart, a generation chart, and a listing of family members and their spouses.


2      Ceppo Family History

The Ceppo family has their roots in the town of Marsala in the province of Trapani in Sicily, Italy.  This town is on the east coast of Sicily on the Mediterranean Sea just across the Strait of Tunis from Tunisia in Northern Africa.   The family moved from Marsala to Brooklyn, NY.  From Brooklyn, NY the family migrated to other parts of the US.


The information found in this family history comes from 2 primary sources.  The first is the immigration records of Ellis Island which provide information on individuals who entered the USA at Ellis Island, NY.  The second source is living members of these families (who in many cases have collaborated the Ellis Island records) while providing information on the families after they arrived in the USA. 

2.1    Ceppo Family Tree

There are 7 generations of Ceppo that are traced in this document.  The “kinship” overview chart found in Appendix A identifies the individuals and family units in relation to Rosalie Ragucci-Cook.  The generations are labeled in reference to Rosalie’s generation (which is Generation 0).


The following chart identifies the various Ceppo family units and the individuals who belong to them.  Each person is identified by an [ID] number for easy reference.   The family unit will be identified by the ID of the parent.  Individuals who were not married are not identified with a family unit.  Note that spouses of family units are identified but they will be described as individuals in their own blood-related family. 

Note that due to marriages between the Ceppo and Lombardo families, several individuals appear in both families.  Information about the highlighted individuals in this table are described in the Lombardo family and not here.




Name (and Spouse)



3rd Great Grandfather

[0] Father of Rosalie and Luigi Ceppo

[x] Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo

[x] Luigi Ceppo



[x] Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo and

     Francesco Rizzo

[x] Maria Rizzo Lombardo

[x] Anna Rizzo Rametta

[x] Grazia Rizzo


2nd Great Grand-uncle

[x] Luigi Ceppo and

    Francesca Giacalone Ceppo

[x] Francesco Ceppo

[x] Giuseppe Ceppo

[x] Pietro Ceppo

[x] Maria Ceppo

[x] Nicolo Ceppo



[2] Maria Rizzo Lombardo and

     Guiseppe Lombardo

[3] Giacomo (Jack) Prato

[4] Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo

[5] Guiseppe Lombardo Jr.

[6] Rosalia Lombardo Ciaccio

[7] Francesco Lombardo 
     [died as infant]

[8] Francesco Lombardo 
      [died at age 1]



[x] Anna Rizzo Rametta and

     Ignatio (Nat) Rametta

[x] Ignatio (Nat) DiGiovanni



[x] Grazia Rizzo



1st Cousin 3 times removed

[x] Guiseppe Ceppo and

     Ester Viviano Ceppo

[x] Margaret Ceppo Chiarello

[x] Frances Ceppo Clese

[x] Ester Ceppo Moschitta

[x] Guiseppe Ceppo Jr.


1st Cousin 3 times removed

[x] Pietro (Peter) Ceppo and
     Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo

SEE Vita Lombardo Ceppo

For closer relationship


1st Cousin 3 times removed

[x] Maria Ceppo



1st Cousin 3 times removed

[x] Nicolo Ceppo




[4] Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo
      and Pietro Ceppo

[9] Francis Ceppo Andrei

[10] Louis Ceppo



[5] Guiseppe Lombardo Jr.
     and Lena O’Maggio Lombardo

[11] Corrado (John) Lombardo

[12] Joseph Lombardo



[6] Rosalia Lombardo Ciaccio
   and Anthony Ciaccio

[13] Rose Ciaccio Ragucci


1st Cousin 2 times removed

[x] Ignatio (Nat) DiGiovanni and

     Annette ? DiGiovanni

[x] Paul DiGiovanni

[x] Thomas DiGiovanni


2nd Cousin 2 times removed

[x] Margaret Ceppo Chiarello and
     Frank Chiarello

[x] Rosine Chiarello




[13] Rose Ciaccio Ragucci
       and Joseph Ragucci

[22] Rosalie Ragucci Cook


1st Cousin 1 times

[9] Francis Ceppo Andrei
     and Joseph Andrei

[14] Thomas Andrei

[15] Joan Andrei Weidner


1st Cousin 1 times

[10] Louis Ceppo 
       and Laura ? Ceppo

[16] Lisa Ceppo

[17] Michelle Ceppo

[18] Donna Ceppo

[19] Peter Ceppo


1st Cousin 1 times

[11] Corrado (John) Lombardo
      and Nancy ? Lombardo

[20] Jennifer Lombardo


1st Cousin 1 times

[12] Joseph Lombardo
       and Lana ? Lombardo

[21] Scott Lombardo


2nd Cousin 2 times removed

[x] Paul DiGiovanni

[x] Thomas DiGiovanni



Reference Person

[22] Rosalie Ragucci Cook
       and John Cook



2nd Cousin

[14] Thomas Andrei
       and Celeste ? Andrei

[23] Collette Andrei


2nd Cousin

[15] Joan Andrei Weidner
       and Marty Weidner

[24] Kenneth Weidner

[25] Megan Weidner

[26] Ryan Weidner


Table 2: Family Units and Individuals


The same family is identified in the form of a family tree in Appendix B.   A complete listing of these individuals can be found in Appendix C.

2.2    Generation –5th: Family in Italy

The earliest generation of the family that we can trace is 5 generations before Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (her great-great-great grandparents) which becomes the root of the Ceppo (and Lombardo) family.  Although we are unable to name these great-great-great grandparents, they were most likely born in the range 1830- 1850 and their children were most likely born in the range 1850-1870.  


The family group in this -5th generation is shown in the following chart.  It consists of the great-great-great grandparents plus their children:



3rd Great Grandparents
[x] Father’s Name Unknown
and Mother’s Name Unknown


Great-Great Grandmother
[x] Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo

2nd great grand uncle
[x] Luigi Ceppo


Table 3 – Ceppo –5th Generation Family

2.2.1  Generation –5th:  Family in Marsala, Italy

Most of the information found for this generation family unit is obtained from the Ellis Island records of the children who immigrated to the USA.   Since the Great-Great-Great Grandparents remained in Italy, and they were not mentioned in the Ellis Island record, the names of this generation of the parents are unknown.   There are no living members of this generation.


Although parents in this generation of Ceppo’s remained in Marsala, Italy, their daughter, Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo immigated to the US in 1920 at the age of 66 as a widow and their son, Luigi Ceppo immigrated to the US in 1907 at the age of 54.  We don’t  have a record of any other of their children.  

2.2.2  Generation –5th: Memories

No memories or photographs have been found for this generation of the family.

2.3    Generation –4th: Family in Italy -> FIX From this point on…

The next generation of the family that we can trace is 4 generations before Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (her great-great grandparents).  These parents were born in the range 1850- 1870 and their children were born in the range 1880-1900.  


The family group in this -4th generation is shown in the following chart.  It consists of the great-great grandparents plus their children:



Great-Great Grandmother
[x] Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo {1854-?) and
Francesco Rizzo (?)


Great Grandmother
[x] Maria Rizzo Lombardo
(1879- ?)

Great grand uncles/aunts

[x] Anna Rizzo Rametta


Great grand uncles/aunts

[x] Grazia Rizzo



2nd great grand uncle
[x] Luigi Ceppo (1853- ?) and
Francesca Giacalone Ceppo (1859-?)


1st cousins 3x removed
Pietro (Pete) Ceppo

1st cousins 3x removed
Giuseppe Ceppo

1st cousins 3x removed
Francesco Ceppo (b:1883)
Maria Ceppo (b:1894)
Nicolo Ceppo (b:1901)


Table 3 – Ceppo –4th Generation Family


2.3.1  Generation –4th:  Family in Marsala, Italy

There are 2 family units in this generation. Most of the information found for this generation family unit is obtained from the Ellis Island records of this generation and their children who immigrated to the USA.   The children of this generation were married in the USA.  There are no living members of this generation although they are parents and grandparents of living members of the family.


The family unit headed by Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo and Francesco Rizzo are Rosalie’s Great-Great Grandmother and Grandfather.  They were born and were married in Marsala, Italy.  Rosalia and Francesco had 3 children while living in Marsala –  Maria in 1879, Anna in ___, and Grazia in ____.  

< talk more about Maria, Anna and Grazia Rizzo>


 We know that Rosalia moved to Tunis to join her daughter Maria Rizzo Lombardo (Rosalie’s great-grandmother).  We don’t know if that was before or after her husband Francesco died.   But, Rosalia immigrates to Brooklyn, NY from Tunis, Tunisia and arrives at Ellis Island as a widow in 1920 at the age 66. She joined her daughter Maria who came to America earlier with her family. 


CHECK DATES ŕ 1910 should be 1911 because of which ship…


The family unit headed by Luigi Ceppo and Francesca Giacalone Ceppo are Rosalie’s Great-Great Grand-Uncle and Aunt.  They were born and were married in Marsala, Italy.  Luigi and Francesca had 5 children while living in Marsala – Francesco in 1883, Guiseppe in 1889, Maria in 1894, Pietro in 1898, and Nicolo in 1901.  Guiseppe was the first member of this family unit to come to America traveling from Palermo, Sicily and arriving at Ellis Island, NY in 1907 at the age of 18.   We don’t know if he stayed in Brooklyn or spent some time in Beloit, WI like members of the extended family (see Lombardo Family).  But eventually he settled in Brooklyn, NY.   His father, Luigi, arrived at Ellis Island later that same year (1907) at the age of 54 joining his son Guiseppe.   Luigi’s wife, Francesca, joined her husband in Brooklyn arriving in 1910 at the age of 51.   She traveled with her 3 youngest children – Maria age 16, Pietro age 12, and Nicolo age 9.  The following year, 1911, their oldest child, Francesco joined them in Brooklyn at the age of 28.  We have very little else about the Luigi and Francesca who resided in Brooklyn until their death.

2.3.2  Generation –4th: Memories

No memories or photographs have been found for this generation of the family.

2.4    Generation –3rd: Family Travels to America -> FIX From this point on…

The earliest generation of the family that we have any information on is 3 generations before Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (her great grandparents and their children).  The parents are typically born in the range 1870-1890 and the children are typically born in the range 1900-1920.


The family group in this -3rd generation is shown in the following chart.  It consists of the great grandparents plus their children:


-3rd Generation

Great Grandfather
[2] Guiseppe Lombardo (1875-1952) and
Maria Rizzo Lombardo (1879-1938)



[6] Rosalia Lombardo Ciaccio (1912-      )

Grand Aunt
[4] Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo (1907-1996)

Grand Uncle
[5] Guiseppe (Joe) Lombardo (1910-1999)


Figure 4 – Lombardo –3rd Generation Families

2.4.1  Generation –3rd: Family Travels to America

The Ellis Island records contain information about this generation since this generation because they and their children begin the immigration from Italy to America.  There is 1 living members of this family unit – Rosalia Lombardo Ciaccio.  In addition, since this generation are grandparents and parents of the living members of the family, there is a wealth of information that can be obtained from living sources. 


The parents of this generation family unit were born in Marsala, Italy in the 1870’s.  Guiseppe and Maria were married in Marsala sometime after 1897 (when Giacamo was adopted and Maria’s first husband died) and before 1907 when Maria and Guiseppe’s first child, Vita, was born.  Guiseppe moved his family from Sicily just across the Mediterranean Sea to Tunis, Tunisia in search of work.  This move to Tunis took place before 1907 when their first child was born.  Guiseppe and Maria had 3 children while in Tunis – Vita (Lena) in 1907, Guiseppe Jr. in 1910, and Rosalia in 1912. In 1913 at age of 38 Guiseppe immigrated from Tunis to Beloit, Wisconsin via Ellis Island, NY.  The family followed him to Beloit in 1918.  In 1920 the family moved again from Beloit to Brooklyn, NY while they remained.  Maria died in 1938. Guiseppe died in 1952.

2.4.2  Generation –3rd: Memories

See the “stories” document for now…

2.5    Generation –2nd: First generation Italian-Americans

This generation of the family is 2 generations before Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (her grandparents, grand-aunts/uncles and their children).  The parents are typically born in the range 1900-1920 and the children are typically born in the range 1930-1950.


The family groups in this -2nd generation are shown in the following chart.  It consists of the grandparents plus their children as well as great aunts/uncles and their children:




Grand aunt
Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo (1907-1996) and
Pietro (Peter) Ceppo (1898-1985)


1st cousin 1x removed

Fran Ceppo Andrei
(1930-    )

1st cousin 1x removed

Louis Ceppo

(1944-   )




Grand uncle
Guiseppe (Joe) Lombardo (1910-1999) and
Aqualina (Lena) O’Maggio Lombardo (?)


1st cousin 1x removed

Joseph Lombardo
(1942-    )

1st cousin 1x removed

Corrado Lombardo

(1946-    )




Rose Lombardo Ciaccio (1912-      ) and
Anthony Ciaccio (1905-1976)


Rose Ciaccio Ragucci
(1949-      )

Aunt/ Uncles


Figure 5 – Lombardo –2nd Generation Families

2.5.1  Generation –2nd: First generation Italian-Americans

There are 3 family units in this generation. Early information about this generation is obtained from the Ellis Island records since the parents of this generation were born in Italy and immigrated to America.  The children of this generation were married in the USA.  A great deal of information can be obtained from living sources since the children (and some of the parents) are still living.


The family unit headed by Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo and Pietro (Peter) Ceppo are Rosalie’s Great-Aunt Lena and Great Uncle Pete.  Lena was born in Tunis, Tunisia (verify) in Dec 31, 1907, the first child of Guiseppe and Anna Lombardo.  She immigrated to the US in 1918 at the age of 11 traveling with her mother Anna, her adopted brother Giacomo (Jack), her brother Guiseppe (Joe) and sister Rosalia (Rose).  On arriving in the US, the family moved to Beloit, Wisconsin where their father was working and then moved to Brooklyn, NY in 1920 where the extended family had settled.   Sometime before 1930, Lena married her 2nd cousin Peter Ceppo. Two children were born of this marriage, Francis (Fran) in 1930 and Louis (Louie) in 1944.  In the late 1940’s they purchased a bungalow in Copaigue, Long Island to get away from the city on weekends.   Eventually they converted this into a 2 story house and moved there in c her until their death in 1985 and 1999, respectively.


The family unit headed by Guiseppe (Joe) Lombardo and Aqualina (Lena) O’Maggio Lombardo are Rosalie’s Great Uncle Joe and Great Aunt Lena.   Joe was born in Tunis in 1910 and moved with the family from Tunis, to Beloit, WI and then to Brooklyn, NY.  In ____ Joe married Lena.  Two children were born of this marriage, Joseph in 1942 and Corrado in 1946.  They moved from Brooklyn to Flushing, NY where they stayed for the remainder of their life.


The family unit headed by Rosalia (Rose) Lombardo Ciaccio and Anthony Ciaccio are the grandparents of Rosalie.   Rose was born in Tunis, Tunisia in March 6, 1912 and moved with the family from Tunis, to Beloit, WI and then to Brooklyn, NY.  [ say something about living in same apartment as sister..] Rose married Anthony in ____ .  One child was born of this marriage, Rose in 1949.   They moved from Brooklyn, NY to Colonia, NY in ____ following the move of Anthony’s job to NJ.  They remained there until Anthony’s death in 1976.  A year later Rose (the mothe) moved into her daughter Rose’s home in Carteret, NJ and then followed them to Edison, NJ.  In 19__ she moved into a nursing home in Clark, NJ after a stoke left her unable to walk and care for herself where she currently resides.


The adopted brother Giacomo (Jack) Prato was always part of the family.  He was born in Marsala, Italy, adopted by Maria and moved with the family to Tunis, then to Beloit, WI and finally to Brooklyn, NY.  He married Francis (?) and moved to Flatbush, NY.   They had no children.  After her death in 1963 he refinished the upstairs of his sister Rose’s home in Colonia, NJ and moved there for 18 months.  He then purchased a tiny home across the street from his sister Lena in Copaigue, NY and lived there until his death in 198x.

2.5.2  Generation –2nd: Memories

See the “stories” document for now…

2.6    Generation –1st: American’s with Italian roots

This generation of the family is 1 generation before Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (her parents, aunts/uncles, 1st Cousins once removed, and their children).  The parents are typically born in the range 1930-1950 and the children are typically born in the range 1960-1980.


The family groups in this -1st generation is shown in the following chart.  It consists of the parents plus their children, as well as 1st Cousins once removed and their children:



Rose Ciaccio Ragucci (1949-   ) and
Joseph Ragucci (1947-  )


Reference Person
Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (1977- )

Brother/ Sisters



1st cousin 1x removed

Francis Ceppo Andrei (1930-   ) and

Joseph Andrei (??)


2nd cousins

Joan Andrei Weidner

2nd cousins

Thomas Andrei



1st cousin 1x removed

Louis Ceppo (1946-   ) and
Laura (?) Ceppo (??)


2nd cousins

Lisa Ceppo  +
Michelle Ceppo +

Donna Ceppo +

Peter Ceppo



1st cousin 1x removed

Joseph Lombardo (1942-    ) and

Lana ? Lombardo (?)


2nd cousins
Scott Lombardo



1st cousin 1x removed

Corrado Lombardo (1946-    ) and
Nancy ? Lombardo (?)


2nd cousins
Jennifer Lombardo


Figure 6 – Lombardo –1st Generation Families

2.6.1  Generation –1st: Americans with Italian roots

There are 5 family units in this generation. This is the first generation that was born and raised in the United States.  A great deal of information can be obtained from living sources since the members of this generation are living.


The family unit headed by Rose Ciaccio Ragucci and Joseph Ragucci are Rosalie’s parents.  Rose was born in Brooklyn, NY on April 4, 1949.  She moved with her family in ___ to Colonia, NJ where she grew up.   On June 27, 1970 she married Joseph and moved to Carteret, NJ where she lived in an apartment for 3 years and then a home until 1984.  They had one child, Rosalie, who was born on Feb. 2, 1977.   In 1984 they moved  to Edison, NJ when they currently reside.


The family unit headed by Francis (Fran) Ceppo Andrei and Joseph Andrei are Rosalie’s 1st cousins once removed.  Fran was born on April 9,1930 in Brooklyn, NY.   Fran married Joseph in ____.  They had 2 children, Joan and Thomas.   In 1955 they moved from Brooklyn to a converted bungalow in Copaigue, LI.  Fran and Joe lived on the second floor upstairs from her mother and father Lena and Pete Ceppo.  After Lena’s death they moved to ?, Georgia where they currently reside near their daughter Joan who had moved there earlier.


The family unit headed by Louis (Louie) Ceppo and Laura (?) Ceppo are Rosalie’s 1st cousins once removed.  Louie was born in 1944 in Brooklyn, NY.   In 1955 he moved from Brooklyn with his parents and sister to Copaigue, LI.  Louie married Laura in ____ and moved to Amityville, NY.  They had 4 children – Lisa, Michelle, Donna, and Peter.  They moved in ___ to __ , Florida where they currently reside near their children.


The family unit headed by Joseph Lombardo and Lana ? Lombardo are Rosalie’s 1st cousins once removed.  Joseph was born on December 7, 1942 (Pearl Harbor day) in Brooklyn, NY.  Joseph married Lana in ____  and moved to ____ .  They had one child – Scott.  After Scott grew up they moved to Las Vegas, NV where they currently reside.


The family unit headed by Corrado (John) Lombardo and Nancy ? Lombardo are Rosalie’s 1st cousins once removed.  Corrado was born on March 6, 1946 in Brooklyn, NY.  Corrado married Nancy in ___ and moved to ____.   They had one child Jennifer.  The marriage didn’t work out and they divorced in ____.  Corrado moved to lower Manhattan, NYC where he currently resides.

2.6.2  Generation –1st: Memories

See the “stories” document for now…

2.7    Generation 0th: American’s with Italian roots

This generation of the family is the generation of Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (herself,  2nd  Cousins, and their children).  The parents are typically born in the range 1960-1980 and the children are typically born in the range 1990-2010.


The family groups in this 0th  generation is shown in the following chart.  It consists of the reference person (Rosalie) plus her children, as well as 2nd Cousins and their children:



Reference Person
Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (1977-  ) and
John Cook (??)





2nd cousins

Joan Andrei Weidner (??) and
Martin Weidner (??)


2nd cousins 1x removed
Kenneth Weidner +
Megan Weidner + Ryan Weidner



2nd cousins

Thomas Andrei (??) and
Celeste (?) Andrei (??)


2nd cousins 1x removed
Collette Andrei + ?



2nd cousins

Lisa Ceppo  (?)
 Michelle Ceppo (?)

Donna Ceppo (?)

Peter Ceppo (?)


2nd cousins 1x removed



2nd cousins
Scott Lombardo (?)


2nd cousins 1x removed



2nd cousins
Jennifer Lombardo


2nd cousins 1x removed


Figure 7 – Lombardo 0th Generation Families

2.7.1  Generation 0th: Americans with Italian roots

There are more than 9 family units in this generation This is the second generation born and raised in the United States and are more American than Italian. A great deal of information can be obtained from living sources since the members of this generation are living (although the relationship distance makes them less known).


The family unit headed by Rosalie Ragucci-Cook and John Cook is the reference person.  Rosalie was born in Carteret, NJ on February 2, 1977.  She lived there until 1985 when her family moved to Edison, NJ where she grew up.   On August 24, 2002 she married John and moved to Colonia, NJ where they currently reside.  There are currently no children of this marriage.


The family unit headed by Joan Andrei Weidner  and Martin (Marty) Weidner are Rosalie’s 2nd cousins.  Joan was born on ___ in Copaigue, LI, NY.   Joan married Marty in ____ and resided in __, LI.  They had 3 children, Kenneth, Megan Weidner, and Ryan.   In ___  they moved to ?, Georgia where they currently reside near their mother and father Fran and Joe who moved there later.


We’ve lost track of the family units that were formed by the children of Louis and Laura Ceppo who are also Rosalie’s 2nd  cousins.  This includes Lisa, Michelle, Donna, and Peter Ceppo.   They were all born in Long Island, NY and grew up in Amityville, NY.   In ____ they moved with their parent to Florida, where we believe they currently reside.  We believe they all are married and may have children but information is sketchy.  [ See what Fran can give us.]


We have no information about a family unit that may exist by Joe and Lana Lombardo’s son Scott who is also Rosalie’s 2nd cousin. 


We have no information about a family unit that may exist by Corrado and Nancy Lombardo’s daughter Jennifer who is also Rosalie’s 2nd cousin. 

2.7.2  Generation 0th: Memories

2.8    Generation +1st: American’s with Italian roots

This generation of the family is the 1st generation after Rosalie Ragucci-Cook (her children,  2nd  Cousins once removed, and their children).  The parents are typically born in the range 1990-2010 and the children are typically born in the range 2020-2040.


There are currently no family groups in this generation.

3      Family Members


This section provides a biography of each of the family members ordered by generation.

For now this will be kept in a separate “biography” document.   The following lists the individual family members by generation.

Note that due to marriages between the Ceppo and Lombardo families, several individuals appear in both families.  Information about the highlighted individuals in this table are described in the Lombardo family and not here.

3.1.1  Generation –5th: Family members


Father of Rosalie and Luigi Ceppo


3rd Great Grandfather

Born 18xx


3.1.2  Generation –4th: Family members


Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo


Great-Great Grandmother

Born 18xx



Luigi Ceppo


Great-Great Grand-uncle



3.1.3  Generation –3rd: Family Members


Maria Rizzo Lombardo






Anna Rizzo Rametta


Great-Great Aunt




Grazia Rizzo


Great-Great Aunt




Francesco Ceppo


1st Cousin 3 times removed




Guiseppe Ceppo


1st Cousin 3 times removed




Pietro (Pete) Ceppo


1st Cousin 3 times removed




Maria Ceppo


1st Cousin 3 times removed




Nicolo Ceppo


1st Cousin 3 times removed



3.1.4  Generation –2nd: Family members


Giacomo (Jack) Prato [ adopted]



Born 1897

Died 198x


Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo



Born 12/31/1907

Died 5/1996


Guiseppe Lombardo Jr.     



Born 1910

Died 8/1999


Rosalia Lombardo Ciaccio



Born 3/6/1912



Francesco Lombardo



Born 1920

Died 1920


Francesco Lombardo



Born 1923



Ignatio (Nat) DiGiovanni


1st cousin 2 times removed




Margaret Ceppo Chiarello


2nd cousin 2 times removed




Frances Ceppo Clese


2nd cousin 2 times removed




Ester Ceppo Moschitta


2nd cousin 2 times removed




Guiseppe Ceppo Jr.


2nd cousin 2 times removed




3.1.5  Generation –1st: Family members


Francis Ceppo Andrei


1st Cousin 1 times removed

Born 4/9/1930



Louis Ceppo


1st Cousin 1 times removed

Born 1944



Corrado (John) Lombardo


1st Cousin 1 times removed

Born 3/6/1946



Joseph Lombardo


1st Cousin 1 times removed

Born 12/71942
Pearl Harbor



Rose Ciaccio Ragucci



Born 4/4/1949



Paul DiGiovanni


2nd Cousin 1 times removed




Thomas DiGiovanni


2nd Cousin 1 times removed



3.1.6  Generation 0th: Family members


Thomas Andrei 


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Joan Andrei Weidner


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Lisa Ceppo


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Michelle Ceppo


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Donna Ceppo


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Peter Ceppo


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Jennifer Lombardo


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Scott Lombardo


2nd Cousin

Born 19xx



Rosalie Ragucci Cook       


[ Reference Person]

Born 1977


3.1.7  Generation +1st: Family members


Collette Andrei


2nd Cousin 1 time removed

Born 199x



Kenneth Weidner


2nd Cousin 1 time removed

Born 199x



Megan Weidner


2nd Cousin 1 time removed

Born 199x



Ryan Weidner


2nd Cousin 1 time removed

Born 199x



APPENDIX A: Kinship Charts 




3rd Great Grandparents


Great-Great Grandmother
Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo

2nd great grand uncle
Luigi Ceppo


Great Grandmother
Maria Rizzo Lombardo

Great grand uncles/aunts

Anna Rizzo Rametta

Great grand uncles/aunts

Grazia Rizzo

1st cousins 3x removed
Pietro (Pete) Ceppo

1st cousins 3x removed
Giuseppe Ceppo

1st cousins 3x removed
Francesco Ceppo +
Maria Ceppo +
Nicolo Ceppo


Rose Lombardo Ciaccio

Grand aunt
Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo

Grand uncle
Guiseppe (Joe) Lombardo

1st cousins 2x removed

Ignatio (Nat) DiGiovonni

1st cousins 2x removed

2nd cousins 2x removed
Fran Ceppo Andrei
Louis Ceppo

2nd cousins 2x removed
Margaret Ceppo Chiarello +
Frances Ceppo Clese +
Ester Ceppo Moschitta +
Giuseppe Ceppo Jr.

2nd cousins 2x removed


Rose Ciaccio Ragucci

Aunt/ Uncles

1st cousin 1x removed

Fran Ceppo Andrei

1st cousin 1x removed

Louis Ceppo

1st cousin 1x removed

Joseph Lombardo

1st cousin 1x removed Corrado Lombardo

2nd cousins 1x removed

Paul DiGiovanni +

Tom DiGiovanni

2nd cousins 1x removed


3rd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed


Rosalie Ragucci-Cook



1st cousins


2nd cousins

Joan Andrei Weidner

2nd cousins

Thomas Andrei


2nd cousins

Lisa Ceppo + Michelle Ceppo +

Donna Ceppo +

Peter Ceppo

2nd cousins
Scott Lombardo

2nd cousins Jennifer Lombardo

3rd cousins

3rd cousins

4th cousins

4th cousins

4th cousins




1st cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed
Kenneth Weidner + Megan Weidner + Ryan Weidner

2nd cousins 1x removed
Collette Andrei + ?

2nd cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed

4th cousins 1x removed


APPENDIX B: Ceppo Family Tree

          [ Dates indicates that found entry in Ellis Island records]








+1       ß Generation Number

Father of Rosalia and Luigi Ceppo

+ Mother of Rosalia and Luigi Ceppo


Rosalia Ceppo Rizzo


+ Francesco Rizzo (died in Italy or Tunisia)



1 Maria Rizzo Lombardo (1918 at age 39)



  + Guiseppe Lombardo (1913 at age 38)




1 Giacomo (Jack) Prato (1918 at age 21)




  + Frances ? Prato




2 Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo (1918 at age 11) [ Dec 31 birthday]




  +  Pietro (Pete) Ceppo (1910 at age 12) [ Feb12 birthday]





1 Francis Ceppo Andrei





  + Joseph Andrei






1 Joan Andrei Weidner






  + Marty Weidner







1 Kenneth Weidner







2 Megan Weidner







3 Ryan Weidner






2 Thomas Andrei






   + Celeste ? Andrei







1 Collette Andrei







2 ??? Andrei





2 Louis Ceppo





   + Laura ? Ceppo






1 Lisa Ceppo






2 Michelle Ceppo






3 Donna Ceppo






4 Peter Ceppo




3 Guiseppe Lombardo Jr. (1918 at age 8)




  + Lena O’Maggio Lombardo





1 Corrado (John) Lombardo





  + Nancy ? Lombardo






1 Jennifer Lombardo





2 Joseph Lombardo Jr.





  + Lana ? Lombardo






1 Scott Lombardo




4 Rose Lombardo Ciaccio (1918 at age 6)




+ Anthony Ciaccio





1 Rose Ciaccio Ragucci





  + Joseph D. Ragucci






1 Rosalie Ann Ragucci-Cook






   + John Cook




5 Francesco Lombardo (died as infant in America)




6 Francesco Lombardo (died at 3 yrs old in America)



2 Anna Rizzo Rametta



+ Ignatio (Nat) Rametta




Ignatio (Nat) DiGiavonni




+ Annette ? DiGiavonni





Paul DiGiavonni





Thomas DiGiavonni



3 Grazia Rizzo


Luigi Ceppo


+ Francesca Giacalone Ceppo (1910 at age 51)



Francesco Ceppo



Giuseppe Ceppo



 + Ester Viviano Ceppo




Margaret Ceppo Chiarello [Aunt Margaret]




+ Frank Chiarello




Frances Ceppo Clese




Ester Ceppo Moschitta




Guiseppe Ceppo



Maria Ceppo



Pietro (Peter) Ceppo



+ Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo




Francis Ceppo Andrei (See above for closer relationship)




Louis Ceppo (See above for closer relationship)



Nicolo Ceppo

APPENDIX C: Index to Individuals




Blood Relationship


Father of Guiseppe Lombardo


Great-Great Grandfather


Guiseppe Lombardo





Maria Rizzo Lombardo
        (Wife of Guiseppe Lombardo)




Giacomo (Jack) Prato [ adopted]




Vita (Lena) Lombardo Ceppo




Pietro Ceppo

(Husband of Vita Lombardo Ceppo)




Guiseppe Lombardo Jr.     




Lena O’Maggio Lombardo




Rosalia Lombardo Ciaccio




Anthony Ciaccio




Francesco Lombardo – [died as infant]




Francesco Lombardo – [died at age 1]




Francis Ceppo Andrei


1st Cousin 1 times removed


Joseph Andrei




Louis Ceppo


1st Cousin 1 times removed


Laura ? Ceppo




Corrado (John) Lombardo


1st Cousin 1 times removed


Nancy ? Lombardo [divorced]




Joseph Lombardo


1st Cousin 1 times removed


Lana ? Lombardo




Rose Ciaccio Ragucci




Joseph Ragucci




Thomas Andrei 


2nd Cousin


Celeste ? Andrei




Joan Andrei Weidner


2nd Cousin


Marty Weidner




Lisa Ceppo


2nd Cousin


Michelle Ceppo


2nd Cousin


Donna Ceppo


2nd Cousin


Peter Ceppo


2nd Cousin


Jennifer Lombardo


2nd Cousin


Scott Lombardo


2nd Cousin


Rosalie Ragucci Cook       


[ Reference Person]


Collette Andrei


2nd Cousin 1 time removed


Kenneth Weidner


2nd Cousin 1 time removed


Megan Weidner


2nd Cousin 1 time removed


Ryan Weidner


2nd Cousin 1 time removed