Ciaccio Family


1        Document Overview.. 2

2        Ciaccio Family History. 2

2.1       Generation -3rd: Immigration to the US.. 2

2.1.1       Giuseppe and Carmela Ciaccio. 2

2.2       Generation -2nd: Family in the US.. 3

2.2.1       Anthony Ciaccio Family. 3

2.2.2       Other Children of Giuseppe and Carmela Ciaccio. 3

2.3       Generation -1st : Family in the US.. 4

2.4       Generation -0th:  Family in the US.. 5

3        APPENDIX A: Kindship Chart 6

4        APPENDIX B: Family Tree. 6


Document Overview

This document is a portion of the genealogy of the Ciaccio Family.  Its focus is on tracing the ancestors of Joseph Ragucci & Rose Ciaccio Ragucci and Rosalie Ragucci-Cook from the Ciaccio families.   Although the focus will be on “blood” relatives and not in-laws or adopted members of the families, these individuals will be identified wherever possible.   


2      Ciaccio Family History

The Ciaccio family has their roots in the Palermo area of Sicily.   The family moved to the United States in the early 1900’s and settled in Brooklyn, NY.  


The information found in this family history comes from 2 primary sources.  The first is the immigration records of Ellis Island which provide information on individuals who entered the USA at Ellis Island, NY.  The second source is living members of these families (who in many cases have collaborated the Ellis Island records) while providing information on the families after they arrived in the USA. 


We have limited information because the family members were always very secretive about what was happening in the family. 

2.1    Generation -3rd: Immigration to the US

Information about the Ciaccio family is limited for generation -3rd and before since there are limited family members still alive (none now!) and the -2nd generation didn’t talk about their parents or ancestors.  The parents are typically born in the range 1870-1890 and the children are typically born in the range 1900-1920.



Great Grandfather
Guiseppe Ciaccio (Sr.)

Great grand uncle
Charles Ciaccio


Anthony Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Vincenzo (Jimmy) Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Charles Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Giuseppe (Joe) Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Andrew Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Michael Ciaccio

1st cousins
2x removed


2.1.1  Giuseppe and Carmela Ciaccio

Here is the little information that we know:

Ž     Giuseppe Ciaccio and Carmela Falco immigrated to the US in the early 1900’s. The family is said to come from Palermo and Santa Margarita in Sicily.

Ž  Carmela Falco immigration record was found from Ellis Island.  She was 17 years old when she arrived in NYC in 1899.  

Ž  The Giuseppe Ciaccio Sr. family lived in the Sheepshead Bay area of Brooklyn.

Ž    Giuseppe Ciaccio Sr. was a shoe maker who lived in Brooklyn and died around 1954 in his 70’s.

Ž    Giuseppe Ciaccio had a brother in the US named Charles who was a “book-maker” (i.e., probably worked for the Mafia).

Ž    Carmela Falco died in 1968 in her 80’s.   She made beer at home.

Ž    Carmela Falco had a brother Anthony whose wife was Margaret that lived in Kansas City.

Ž    Giuseppe and Carmela had 5 sons, Jimmy, Charles, Anthony, Andrew, Joe, and Michael.

2.2    Generation -2nd: Family in the US

The -2nd generation is the father (Anthony Ciaccio) and uncles of Rose Ciaccio Ragucci.  So there is some information that we can record here.  The parents are typically born in the range 1900-1920 and the children are typically born in the range 1930-1950.



Anthony Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Vincenzo (Jimmy) Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Charles Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Giuseppe (Joe) Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Andrew Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Michael Ciaccio


Rose Ciaccio Ragucci

2nd cousins 1x removed

1st cousin 1x removed

Rose Marie Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed
Charles Ciaccio Jr.

1st cousin 1x removed

James (Jimmy) Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed
Carmela Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed

2.2.1  Anthony Ciaccio Family

Anthony Ciaccio and Rose Lombardo Ciaccio are the grandparents of Rosalie Ragucci-Cook, the root person of this family history.  Anthony Ciaccio was born in 1907 in Glen Dale, NY before moving with his family to Brooklyn where he grew up.  He was in the army in World War II in Europe.  After the war, his war buddy, Frank Chiarello, introduced him to his wife’s cousin Rose (Rosalia) Lombardo.  Anthony and Rose were married in 1948.  In 1949, their only daughter Rose was born and in 1955 they moved from Brooklyn to Colonia, NJ where they remained until Anthony died in 1976 at the age of 69.   Anthony worked in the warehouse of W.T. Grants a large department-style store that went bankrupt in 1976. 


Anthony’s wife Rose worked in the garment industry as a seamstress for a variety of clothing for most of her life.  After Anthony’s death in 1976, Rose sold her home in Colonia and moved in with her daughter Rose Ciaccio Ragucci, first in Carteret, NJ and then Edison, NJ.  She became the person who took care of the home, did much of the cooking, and cared for her grandchild Rosalie.   Rose spent the last several years of her life in a nursing home in Clark after having a debilitating stroke several years earlier.   She passed away in 2005 at the age of 93.


See the Family Story BLOG for a variety of stories of this family.   Also for more information on Rose Lombardo Ciaccio see the Lombardo family history.


2.2.2  Other Children of Giuseppe and Carmela Ciaccio

Giuseppe and Carmela had 4 other sons, Jimmy, Charles, Andrew, Joe, and Michael.


Jimmy Ciaccio was the senior member of the family.  He was married to Irene Flannagan and lived in West Chester, NY.  Jimmy worked for the water company as an engineer and his wife was a secretary in NY City.  They had no children.  During their retirement years they traveled extensively in Europe especially in Ireland. 


Charles Ciaccio lived in Brooklyn with his wife Lena.  They were the black sheep of the family and we know very little about their life.


Andrew owned a shoe repair shop in downtown Brooklyn.  He was married to Helen and had one daughter Carmela.  Carmela was mentally disabled and after her parents death became a ward of the State of NY.    


Joe was a ship captain and spent quite a bit of time away from home.  He worked for a commercial shipping company and would spend 6 weeks circling the Mediterranean before coming home.  He then did some short trips along the east coast before returning to the Mediterranean.  I wasn’t until he retired that he learned how to drive a car.  We would kid him that he could steer a ship into any port in the world but couldn’t drive a car locally.   Joe met his wife Adelina in a trip to Italy.  They had one child Jimmy who had dual citizenship in Italy and the US.  Joe died on a trip to Israel to visit his son (see info on Jimmy below). 


Mike was the only son who was never married.  He worked in a bank when he was young and later sold paint.  He lived in Brooklyn and died alone in his apartment.

2.3    Generation -1st : Family in the US

The -1st generation is the mother (Rose Ciaccio Ragucci) of the root person.  So there is some information that we can record here. The parents are typically born in the range 1930-1950 and the children are typically born in the range 1960-1980.



Rose Ciaccio Ragucci

1st cousin 1x removed

Rose Marie Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed
Charles Ciaccio Jr.

1st cousin 1x removed

James (Jimmy) Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed
Carmela Ciaccio


Rosalie Ragucci-Cook

2nd cousins


2nd cousins


2nd cousins


3rd cousins


For a family with 6 sons it is unusual that there are so few descendents.  


Rose Ciaccio Ragucci was the only child of Anthony and Rose Ciaccio.  She was born in Williamsburg,  Brooklyn but moved to Colonia,  NJ when she was 6 years old.  Rose met her husband Joe Ragucci when she was 16 and they were married between her junior and senior year of college in 1970.   Rose became a 2nd Grade teacher in Woodbridge Township where she taught for over 30 years.  Rose and Joe had one child Rosalie in 1977 who grew up to be a computer engineer.  See the Family Story BLOG for more information on Rose.


Charles Ciaccio had 2 children, Rose Marie and Charles Jr.   As indicated earlier, we know very little about this part of the family.


Joe & Adelina Ciaccio had one son Jimmy who was born in Italy and thus had dual citizenship in Italy and the US.  The Family Story BLOG has several stories about Jimmy.  He was a chef and married Miriam which his father disliked for many reasons, the primary one being that she got Jimmy to convert from being a Catholic to becoming a Jew and then emigrating to Israel to be with her parents who did the same.  He and Miriam returned to US and moved to Detroit after running away from Jimmy getting drafted in the Israeli army.  Jimmy died before reaching 50.


Andrew and Helen Ciaccio had one daughter Carmela.  Carmela was mentally disabled and after her parents death became a ward of the State of NY.  We visited her many times when she was living in a group home in Flushing, NY.  Once she was transferred, we lost all contact with her.  

2.4    Generation -0th:  Family in the US

The -0th generation is the root person (Rosalie Ragucci-Cook).  So there is much information that we can record here.  The parents are typically born in the range 1960-1980 and the children are typically born in the range 1990-2010.



Rosalie Ragucci-Cook



Benjamin Cook



For more information on the family of Rosalie Ragucci-Cook see the Ragucci family history and BLOG.


3      APPENDIX A: Kindship Chart







Great-Great Grandfather


Great Grandfather
Guiseppe Ciaccio

Great grand uncle
Charles Ciaccio


Anthony Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Vincenzo (Jimmy) Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Charles Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Giuseppe (Joe) Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Andrew Ciaccio

Grand uncle
Michael Ciaccio

1st cousins
2x removed


Rose Ciaccio Ragucci

2nd cousins 1x removed

1st cousin 1x removed

Rose Marie Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed
Charles Ciaccio Jr.

1st cousin 1x removed

James (Jimmy) Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed
Carmela Ciaccio

2nd cousins 1x removed

2nd cousins 1x removed


Rosalie Ragucci-Cook

2nd cousins


2nd cousins


2nd cousins


2nd cousins


3rd cousins

3rd cousins

3rd cousins



Benjamin Cook


1st cousins
1x removed


1st cousins 1x removed


1st cousins 1x removed


1st cousins
1x removed


3rd cousins

1x removed

3rd cousins

1x removed

3rd cousins 1x removed


4      APPENDIX B: Family Tree


1-Giuseppe Ciaccio

+Carmela (Falco) Ciaccio

2 Vincenzo (Jimmy) Ciaccio  - d. 13 Dec ??

+ Irene Flannagan

2 Anthony Ciaccio - b. 15 Aug 1907 d. 25 Aug 1976

+ Rosalia (Rose) Lombardo Ciaccio -  b. 06 Mar 1912 d. 02 Mar 2005

3 Rose (Ciaccio) Ragucci - b. 4 Apr 1949

+ Joseph D. Ragucci - b. 27 Oct 1947

4 Rosalie Ann Ragucci-Cook - b. 02 Feb 1977

+ John Charles Cook - b. 26 Oct 1970

5 Benjamin John Cook - b. 06 Apr 2006

2 Charles Ciaccio - d. 1977

+ Lena Ciaccio

3 Rose Marie Ciaccio

3 Charles Ciaccio, Jr.

2 Michael Ciaccio

2 Giuseppe Ciaccio - b. 13 Oct 1911 d. 18 May 1986

+ Adelina Ciaccio - b. 1924

3 James Ciaccio - b. 27 May 1953 d. 1995

+ Miriam (Falcon) Ciaccio - b. 1952

2 Andrew Ciaccio

+Helen Ciaccio

3 Carmela Ciaccio - b. 1946 or 1947

3 Jean (Stepdaughter)