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Anthony and Priscilla Ragucci Wedding
Anthony and Priscilla Ragucci Wedding
Wedding of Priscilla Kovacs and Anthony Ragucci Wedding
From Woodbridge Independent Leader on December 28, 1944
Anthony Ragucci 8th Grade Graduation - 1937
Anthony Ragucci 8th Grade Graduation - 1937
Anthony Ragucci 8th Grade Graduation Woodbridge School #11 Commercial/Business course from Woodbridge Independent on June 18, 1937
Anthony Ragucci Obituary
Anthony Ragucci Obituary
Anthony Ragucci Obituary
Published in Home News Tribune on March 2, 2011
Dominic - Leaving for Marines
Dominic - Leaving for Marines
Dominic - Leaving for Marines boot camp on July 16,1942
From Carteret Press - July 10, 1942
Dominic and Margaret Ragucci Wedding
Dominic and Margaret Ragucci Wedding
Wedding announcement for Margaret Minucci and Dominic Ragucci
From Raritan Township and Fords Beacon on August 20, 1953
Dominic and Mary Ragucci - 8th Grade Graduation
Dominic and Mary Ragucci - 8th Grade Graduation
Dominic and Mary Ragucci - 8th Grade Graduation
From Woodbridge News - June 22, 1934
Grace (Ricucci) Ragucci Obituary - July 24,1964
Grace (Ricucci) Ragucci Obituary - July 24,1964
Grace (Ricucci) Ragucci Obituary - July 24,1964
From Cartetet Press - July 30, 1964
Joseph Minucci Jr 2nd Birthday
Joseph Minucci Jr 2nd Birthday
Joseph Minucci Jr 2nd Birthday Announcement with list of attendees from Ragucci and Minucci Families From Raritan Township and Fords Beacon on March 11, 1954
Joseph Minucci Jr 4th Birthday
Joseph Minucci Jr 4th Birthday
Joseph Minucci Jr 4th Birthday Announcement with list of attendees from Ragucci and Minucci Families
From Edison and Fords Beacon on March 22, 1956
Joseph Ragucci Birth Announcement
Joseph Ragucci Birth Announcement
Birth Announcement for Joseph Ragucci to Rose Nardi Ragucci and Dominic Ragucci 10/27/47
From Carteret Press on November 7, 1947
Maria Minucci Obituary
Maria Minucci Obituary
Maria Minucci Obituary who died 5/5/58 from Independent Leader on May 8, 1958.
Maria Ricucci father obituary ??
Maria Ricucci father obituary ??
Louis Prencipe obituary - father of "Mrs Anthony Ragucci of Elizabeth" which is most likely Maria Ricucci (the Aunt from Elizabeth)
From Raritan Township and Fords Beacon August 12, 1954
Michael Ragucci Birth Announcement
Michael Ragucci Birth Announcement
Michael Ragucci Birth Announcement
From Carteret Press on August 23, 1957
Port Reading 'Barracks' Temporary Veterans Housing
Port Reading "Barracks" Temporary Veterans Housing
Approval for Port Reading "Barracks" Temporary Veterans Housing after WWII on Birch Street. This was the home of the Dominic Ragucci family in the 1950's. Article from Raritan Township Fords Beacon on June 27, 1946.
Port Reading 'Barracks' Temporary Veterans Housing Applications
Port Reading "Barracks" Temporary Veterans Housing Applications
Review of applications for Port Reading "Barracks" Temporary Veterans Housing after WWII on Birch Street. This was the home of the Dominic Ragucci family in the 1950's. Article from Independent Leader on December 12, 1946.
Port Reading Firehouse News 1956
Port Reading Firehouse News 1956
Port Reading Firehouse News 1956 - Angelina and Delores Ciuffeda; Anthony Ragucci.
From Edison Township and Fords Beacon - February 16, 1956
Port Reading School Program - 1952
Port Reading School Program - 1952
Port Reading School #9 Program - 1952 with Joseph and Priscilla Ragucci from Hagaman Heights school with Leo Ciuffreda from Fire Department:
From Carteret Press - November 21, 1952
Port Reading School Safety Program 1957
Port Reading School Safety Program 1957
Port Reading School Safety Program includes Linda Ragucci and Robert Ciuffreda
From Carteret Press on May 17,1957
Priscilla Ragucci father Obituary
Priscilla Ragucci father Obituary
Steve Kovacs obituary father of Priscilla Ragucci
From Raritan Township and Fords Beacon on July 19, 1951
Richard Ragucci Birth Announcement
Richard Ragucci Birth Announcement
Richard Ragucci Birth Announcement
From Edison Township and Fords Beacon on December 29, 1955
Rose Nardi Bridal Shower
Rose Nardi Bridal Shower
Rose Nardi Bridal Shower article that indicates who, what, where and why. Lots of Nardi and Ragucci relatives listed here.
From Carteret Press on August 30, 1946
Rose Nardi Bridal Shower (Transcript)
Rose Nardi Bridal Shower (Transcript)
Transcript of Rose Nardi Bridal Shower article that indicates who, what, where and why. Lots of Nardi and Ragucci relatives listed here. From Carteret Press on August 30, 1946
Turco Sons - Basketball Coaches
Turco Sons - Basketball Coaches
Turco Sons - Basketball Coaches - Star Ledger article - Jan 2012
Wedding Announcement - Delores & Warren Hamilton
Wedding Announcement - Delores & Warren Hamilton
Wedding Announcement - Delores & Warren Hamilton
From Woodbridge News - April 13, 1961
Wedding Announcement - Dominic Ragucci and Rose Nardi
Wedding Announcement - Dominic Ragucci and Rose Nardi
Wedding Announcement - Dominic Ragucci and Rose Nardi on 9/15/46
From Carteret Press - September 13, 1946