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# mediaID mediatypeID mediakey path Description
101 202  histories  1207158469    Monte S'Angelo - Home town for Ricucci Family 
102 203  histories  1207229297    Lombardo "African" Connection 
103 204  histories  1207239581    Lombardo - Ceppo Connection 
104 206  histories  1207259739    Marsala, Italy 
105 208  histories  1207331110    Marcianise - Home of the Nardi Family 
106 210  histories  1207401088    Pietrastornina - Home of the Minucci Family 
107 211  histories  1207415681    Port Reading 
108 213  histories  1207419898    Carteret, NJ 
109 50  histories  histories/Ceppo Family.doc  Ceppo Family.doc  Ceppo Family History (Word Format)  
110 51  histories  histories/Ceppo Family.htm  Ceppo Family.htm  Ceppo Family History 
111 216  histories  histories/Ciaccio Family.doc  Ciaccio Family.doc  Ciaccio Family History (Word Format)  
112 215  histories  histories/Ciaccio Family.htm  Ciaccio Family.htm  Ciaccio Family History (HTML Format)  
113 256  histories  histories/demarino_transcript.pdf  demarino_transcript.pdf  Port Reading oral History - Martino, DeMarino, and Iacovone  
114 41  histories  histories/Lombardo Family.doc  Lombardo Family.doc  Lombardo Family History (Word Format)
115 40  histories  histories/Lombardo Family.htm  Lombardo Family.htm  Lombardo Family History 
116 90  histories  histories/Ragucci Family.doc  Ragucci Family.doc  Ragucci/Ricucci Family History (Word Format)  
117 91  histories  histories/Ragucci Family.htm  Ragucci Family.htm  Ragucci/Ricucci Family History  
118 255  histories  histories/ragucci_transcript.pdf  ragucci_transcript.pdf  Dominic Ragucci interview on Port Reading History 
119 histories  histories/thumb_angela_ricucci.jpg  thumb_angela_ricucci.jpg  Title Bar Photo 
120 236  newspaper  newspaper/anthony_ragucci_obit.pdf  anthony_ragucci_obit.pdf  Anthony Ragucci Obituary 
121 237  newspaper  newspaper/deloreswarren_wed.pdf  deloreswarren_wed.pdf  Wedding Announcement - Delores & Warren Hamilton 
122 238  newspaper  newspaper/domragucci_8thgrade.pdf  domragucci_8thgrade.pdf  Dominic and Mary Ragucci - 8th Grade Graduation 
123 239  newspaper  newspaper/domragucci_induction.pdf  domragucci_induction.pdf  Dominic - Leaving for Marines 
124 240  newspaper  newspaper/domrose_weddingannouncement.pdf  domrose_weddingannouncement.pdf  Wedding Announcement - Dominic Ragucci and Rose Nardi 
125 241  newspaper  newspaper/firedepartment.pdf  firedepartment.pdf  Port Reading Firehouse News 1956 
126 242  newspaper  newspaper/fireprogram_joe&cilla.pdf  fireprogram_joe&cilla.pdf  Port Reading School Program - 1952 
127 243  newspaper  newspaper/graceragucci_obit.pdf  graceragucci_obit.pdf  Grace (Ricucci) Ragucci Obituary - July 24,1964 
128 245  newspaper  newspaper/joeminucci_bday.pdf  joeminucci_bday.pdf  Joseph Minucci Jr 4th Birthday  
129 246  newspaper  newspaper/joeminucci_bday2.pdf  joeminucci_bday2.pdf  Joseph Minucci Jr 2nd Birthday
130 244  newspaper  newspaper/joe_birth_announcement.pdf  joe_birth_announcement.pdf  Joseph Ragucci Birth Announcement  
131 247  newspaper  newspaper/kovacs_ragucci_wedding.pdf  kovacs_ragucci_wedding.pdf  Anthony and Priscilla Ragucci Wedding 
132 250  newspaper  newspaper/lindaragucci_safetyreview.pdf  lindaragucci_safetyreview.pdf  Port Reading School Safety Program 1957 
133 248  newspaper  newspaper/margedom_wedding.pdf  margedom_wedding.pdf  Dominic and Margaret Ragucci Wedding 
134 249  newspaper  newspaper/mariaminucci_obit.pdf  mariaminucci_obit.pdf  Maria Minucci Obituary 
135 251  newspaper  newspaper/michael_birth.pdf  michael_birth.pdf  Michael Ragucci Birth Announcement 
136 260  newspaper  newspaper/Nardi Bridal Shower.doc  Nardi Bridal Shower.doc  Rose Nardi Bridal Shower (Transcript)
137 257  newspaper  newspaper/Port Reading Barracks.pdf  Port Reading Barracks.pdf  Port Reading "Barracks" Temporary Veterans Housing 
138 258  newspaper  newspaper/Port Reading Barracks2.pdf  Port Reading Barracks2.pdf  Port Reading "Barracks" Temporary Veterans Housing Applications
139 252  newspaper  newspaper/prencipe_obit.pdf  prencipe_obit.pdf  Maria Ricucci father obituary ?? 
140 253  newspaper  newspaper/rickragucci_birth.pdf  rickragucci_birth.pdf  Richard Ragucci Birth Announcement 
141 259  newspaper  newspaper/Rose Nardi Bridal Shower.pdf  Rose Nardi Bridal Shower.pdf  Rose Nardi Bridal Shower  
142 254  newspaper  newspaper/stevekovacs_obit.pdf  stevekovacs_obit.pdf  Priscilla Ragucci father Obituary 
143 261  newspaper  newspaper/tonyragucci_8thgrade.pdf  tonyragucci_8thgrade.pdf  Anthony Ragucci 8th Grade Graduation - 1937 
144 278  newspaper  newspaper/Turco Sons.pdf  Turco Sons.pdf  Turco Sons - Basketball Coaches 
145 286  photos  photos/Adelina_Ciaccio_Portrait.jpg  Adelina_Ciaccio_Portrait.jpg  Adelina Ciaccio Portrait 
146 311  photos  photos/angela_ciuffreda.jpg  angela_ciuffreda.jpg  Angelina (Ragucci) Ciuffreda Portrait 
147 149  photos  photos/angela_ricucci.jpg  angela_ricucci.jpg  Angela Ricucci 
148 photos  photos/angela_ricucci_small.jpg  angela_ricucci_small.jpg  Angela Ricucci 
149 291  photos  photos/Angela_Tomaiuolo_portrait.jpg  Angela_Tomaiuolo_portrait.jpg  Angela Tomaiuolo Portrait 
150 326  photos  photos/Angie_Nardi_1954.jpg  Angie_Nardi_1954.jpg  Antoinette (Angie) Nardi 

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